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What is this site for? I have over a decade of experience in IT, holding positions like Systems Technician, Support Analyst, Systems Administrator, Network Administrator, and Systems Engineer. My ...
What is this site for? I have over a decade of experience in IT, holding positions like Systems Technician, Support Analyst, Systems Administrator, Network Administrator, and Systems Engineer. My ...
Github Project: Homelab Overview I’m ready to kick off my homelab project after months of contemplation and research. My objective is to adopt modern methodologies like Infrastrucutre-as-code and...
Github Project: Powershell-Lab-Hyperv On a relaxed weekend, while playing around with PowerShell and sipping beers, the concept of automating a Windows domain lab setup using PowerShell sparked my...
Overview Github Project: Learning-AWX-Setup As I planned my upcoming “HomeLab” project, which requires certain automation tools, I decided not only to use Ansible but also to set up Ansible (AWX)...
Github Project: my-wsl-setup I wanted to start this new year off being productive by doing a little prep work for upcoming hobby projects. I cleaned up old workloads running on my Hyper-V host and...
Github Project: It’s been years since I created a website. A decade ago I would have hosted an internal server at home, likely IIS, and made it publicly available. I wanted t...